When You’re Innovating, Resist Looking for Solutions - HBR

Here is an interesting blog entry from Harvard Business Review: When You're Innovating, Resist Looking for Solutions.  I have often found this to be true in most any aspect of life.  Taking time to properly analyze the situation will almost always lead to a better solution.  An example can be as simple as asking the customer what they are looking to accomplish vs. what are the looking to buy.  Often times what the customer perceived they wanted is significantly different from what they need.



We Answer Your Questions: FAQ

Q: What is the maximum e-mail attachment size?

A: The ETRN.com e-mail servers do not limit the size of individual e-mail attachments. The ETRN.com e-mail servers do impose a 400 MB maximum total message size limit. Individual customers can choose a smaller message size limit. We can also customize the handling of "over-sized" e-mails. Please contact us to discuss your specific needs. A couple of important facts:

1. Attachments are typically encoded in what is called Base64[1]. As a result, the actual length of MIME-compliant Base64-encoded binary data is usually about 137% of the original file size.

2. E-mails often contain both plain text and HTML components. This also increases the overall size of the e-mail.